International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
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P-ISSN: 2706-9583, E-ISSN: 2706-9591
International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2020, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Part A

The online marketing strategies of Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs), South Africa Tourism (SAT) Southern Africa benchmark

Vitalis Basera and Rudorwashe Baipai

The determination of this study was to compare the online marketing strategies of Southern African countries with respect to Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa. The study sought to establish the online marketing approaches implemented by ZTA, BTO and SAT coming from the context that a number of DMOs websites in Africa lack interactive web facilities and have partial knowledge on the importance of information, communication and technology (ICT) in tourism marketing. The fact that tourism has been branded the fastest growing industry world over, in Zimbabwe it is not like that while just across the Limpopo River in South Africa tourism is steadily developing and moderately in Botswana it is booming which prompted the researcher to compare the ZTA, BTO and SAT online marketing strategies. The objective was to benchmark the countries online marketing strategies. The study adopted comparative design as a way of drawing recommendations useful to ZTA, BTO and SAT. Information appropriate to this study was drawn from a systematic examination of the organisations websites and social media platforms. A modified website evaluation model ICTRT was used to compare the websites. The results confirmed that Zimbabwe and Botswana have a lot to improve and South Africa is setting the pace but a lot desires attention to improve their online marketing strategies.
Pages : 06-12 | 2426 Views | 1034 Downloads

International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
How to cite this article:
Vitalis Basera, Rudorwashe Baipai. The online marketing strategies of Destination Marketing Organisations (DMOs), South Africa Tourism (SAT) Southern Africa benchmark. Int J Tourism Hotel Manage 2020;2(1):06-12.
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