International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
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P-ISSN: 2706-9583, E-ISSN: 2706-9591
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2024, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part A

Sustainable tourism practices in Sikkim: A comprehensive study

Manpreet Kaur and Ajay Kumar Gautam

Sustainable tourism represents a shift in tourism that aims to reconcile consideration of tourism growth with the need for conservation of natural resources, preservation of culture and vision control of local communities. At the heart of the concept is not just the pursuit of fun and discovery, but a commitment to responsible and ethical travel. Sustainable tourism is based on three pillars: environmental protection, cultural justice and economic prosperity. The overall goal is to maximize the value of the traveller’s need for unique experiences while preserving the ecological and cultural values that undergird the past experience. Environmental protection is the mainstay of the tourism industry. This means working to reduce the carbon footprint of tourism, protect biodiversity, reduce waste and reduce negative impacts on sensitive ecosystems. Sustainable tourism is beneficial in protecting the environment as well as respecting different cultures from different communities. It refers to the preservation of local culture, traditions and heritage. Creating interaction between visitors and local communities’ fosters understanding and appreciation, encouraging cultural exchange while preserving authenticity. Economic sustainability is an important part of this model to ensure that tourism directly benefits local businesses and communities. Sustainable tourism improves the health and well-being of areas by promoting local employment, supporting indigenous businesses and sharing tourism revenue.
Pages : 18-21 | 191 Views | 79 Downloads

International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
How to cite this article:
Manpreet Kaur, Ajay Kumar Gautam. Sustainable tourism practices in Sikkim: A comprehensive study. Int J Tourism Hotel Manage 2024;6(1):18-21.
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