International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
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P-ISSN: 2706-9583, E-ISSN: 2706-9591
International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2024, Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part B

Developing sustainable eco-agritourism based on resource based theory in Klungkung regency, Bali

NL Henny Andayani, Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani and IGPB Sasrawan Mananda

The massive development of rural areas as tourist destinations is one of the challenges in the existence of the agricultural sector. Tourism is developing supported by a good natural environment. But on the other hand, many people are not aware of the importance of nature related tourism. The purpose of this study was to develop strategies for sustainable eco-agritourism development in Klungkung Regency Bali. The study was undertaken by distributing questionnaires to 200 farmers who were selected deliberately. In-depth interviews were also conducted to 16 key informants in order to develop strategies which were carried out based on IFAS, EFAS and SWOT analysis.
The results of this study showed that IFAS and EFAS led to the strategy of product development strategy. According to SWOT analysis, the alternative strategies were, namely 1) development of eco-agritourism destinations in Klungkung based on local wisdom, taking into account distinctiveness as an asset specificity; 2) improving the quality of human resources and implementing product marketing through B2B and B2C marketing strategies; 3) increasing environmental awareness through building the character of environmental care and social responsibility in an effort to improve environmentally caring behavior; and 4) collaboration of five penta-helix actors, namely academics, business, communities or society, government, and media in utilizing wisely existing resources and implementing downstream policies for environmentally friendly agricultural products.
Pages : 77-87 | 561 Views | 238 Downloads

International Journal of Tourism and Hotel Management
How to cite this article:
NL Henny Andayani, Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, I Gusti Ayu Oka Suryawardani, IGPB Sasrawan Mananda. Developing sustainable eco-agritourism based on resource based theory in Klungkung regency, Bali. Int J Tourism Hotel Manage 2024;6(1):77-87. DOI: 10.22271/27069583.2024.v6.i1b.89
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